
Mi, 14.03.2018 | 18:30 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr

vhs für Europa - The relationship between Europe and Africa

Examples of exploitation and why and how that situation must change


Ein Diskussionsabend - A2/B1- mit Keith Lindsey.

Anmeldung erforderlich!


In his Book “Europa und Afrika“ Rudolf Decker outlined a vision in which a better, fairer political and economic relationship between Europe and Africa would benefit both continents. This is particularly important, if we want fewer Africans to risk their lives making the dangerous attempt to reach Europe as refugees.
Winnenden Bürgermeister Norbert Sailer and others have responded by encouraging Winnenden people to take a greater interest in Africa.
Examples will be shared of how Europe helps to keep Africa poor, some from African people living in the region. This will be followed by a discussion of what we believe must happen to rectify this situation. 
